about Looking_Eye
I`m a German based photographer. I studied photography at the famous school for art `Saint-Luc` in Liège / Belgium. I finished my studies with an excellent dissertation and mentioning by the jury. I then returned to Germany and worked for different magazines and newspapers. I visualize the problems of coal mining and show the protests of people against a climate change. The CO2 Problematic is taken very serious here in Germany. But to earn my money I worked and still work as a wedding photographer. And for sure, I love to take nude art pictures and I am always searching for a personal approach to this subject. I love to communicate my ideas to models. Together we are looking for a way to visualize these ideas. I like to experiment with light and shadow as well as with projections. I appreciate landscape photography and I just began to combine nude and landscape photography. I also like to combine paintings by artist friends and my photography. I have several results visible in the archive of my personal website on: http://www.instagram.com/markuslokai/https://www.saatchiart.com/markuslokai
Best wishes to all of you
Thank you for adding my Art into your gallery
You`re welcome! Congrats for this nice picture.
Thank you for the gallery additions. I am glad someone else struggles with whether an image is better in black-and-white or colour.
Good point. Yes, I sometimes struggle if black and white is better or colour... I tend to say that if the colours in the picture are relatively of the same type, I tend to prefer colour whereas if the picture is too colourful the choice usualy is black and white.
Thanks a lot for following me!
You`re welcome. Wonderful work !!!
oh you have gorgeous work!
Thank you so much dear Bia. I am very happy about your feedback. Let us stay in contact. ;-)
Thank you for adding one of my images to your gallery!
As someone who both grew up in a coal mining district and is currently a climate scientist, it brings me joy to see you working with CO2 emissions protests!
Thank you very much for your words. Actually there is some work of mine concerning CO2 emissions protests and I think there will be more work about this thematic in the future, let`s see when. It depends on things happening in my region.
Interesting that you are a climate scientist. Let us stay in contact. I am very interested !
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Thank you so much for your comment on my work. I feel honoured !
thanks for your nice words my German friend
Thnx for sharing my photograph !
It`s a pleasure for me to share such beautiful work of yours.
quite impressive work, you are very talented
I got lost scrolling through your pictures
would love to do some work together
Thank you so much for your reaction on my work. I would be interested too to do an artistic work together. Let us stay in contact. Best wishes to you !
quite impressive work, you are very talented
I got lost scrolling through your pictures
would love to do some work together
Thank you for featuring on of my images :)
Hi and thanks for the notice, really like your classic style..
Thank you very much. Your work is phantastic, too.
Very many thanks for adding one of my photos to your gallery " Great looking pictures". It's really appreciated.
Fantastic portfolio.
Thank you very much for your comment !
You are most welcome
Thank you for adding one of my photos to your gallery :)