Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Linda Hollinger

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
The fragility of the human form against decaying architecture and the strength of the human form against luminous, rugged, and desolate landscapes create a mood of sensuality and... more
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Linda Hollinger



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Linda Hollinger Model Citizen

about Linda Hollinger


The fragility of the human form against decaying architecture and the strength of the human form against luminous, rugged, and desolate landscapes create a mood of sensuality and beauty existing within the contrasting context of textures and tones between the two elements. The beauty of the nude form works both in harmony with the enchanting landscapes and in contrast against the stark architecture of the urban landscapes. In my photography, I strive to capture my subjects in a classical, sensual way, presenting the human form as an extension of or in juxtaposition to nature and urban surroundings I like to create a mysterious and moody atmosphere with light as it interacts with my subjects in the environment. I prefer to use natural light, which creates a soft, romantic quality difficult to achieve with studio lighting. Natural light brings out the natural, innate beauty of the subject. With studio light, however, I can create a more edgy low-key light and play with lines and shadows.


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  • Thank you for your kind words! Utah is an amazing place to photograph!!

  • Your work is amazing. When trucking through the sowthwest, I would often daydream of photographing nudes in the splender of the desert landscape. Seeing your Utah series is like seeing those daydreams come to life. Thank you for sharing your vision with us. I love your gallery.

  • Thank you so much !

  • Breathtaking portfolio! Love your style and contrasts. Very beautiful work!

  • Striking, and impressively varied portfolio. The underwater work is particularly impressive. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  • What a gorgeous set of images. Very envious:)

  • Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Really Love Your Work!!

  • Stunning work, absolutely love the stark austerity of your monochromes, distilling the image down to a vital essence -- wonderfully magnetic!

    • Thank you so much!

    • *blush*

    • Aren't Cliff's (CW's) photo reviews and analysis superb! I always think of Susan Sontag or John Szarkowski (Director of Photgraphy at MoMA, New York). Always appreciate his well written words and aesthetic awareness!

  • Thank you very much for your kind word. I feel privileged to get such high praise, from a site displaying so many fine pieces of work

  • Beautiful work!

  • Such highly emotional work. Heart and soul poured into it. Thank you for sharing your vision and your art.

  • Splendid work, such a beautiful portfolio.

  • Wow, you have so many stunningly beautiful images. I can't wait to see more!

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is beautiful! So excited to see what else you create here within the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way!

    • Thank you for inclusion in Model Society. I am very honored to be part of such an amazing collection of artists and photographers. I am still navigating my way around the site and just discovered messages! Thank you once again!