Model Society

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The german photographer Kristian Liebrand, born in 1973, portrays nude women in a way that is expressive, artistic, and individual. Using light and shadow, unusual perspectives, and... more
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Kristian Liebrand



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Kristian Liebrand

about Kristian Liebrand


The german photographer Kristian Liebrand, born in 1973, portrays nude women in a way that is expressive, artistic, and individual.

Using light and shadow, unusual perspectives, and imaginative composition ideas, he creates seductive nude photographs that leave the viewer spellbound. His works of fine nude art have received international recognition, and have been exhibited in many cities and countries.

Numerous magazines, professional journals, and TV stations have reported on his work.
He has published the picture book "more than nude- fine art photography". His client list includes private, high-profile and commercial customers. Kristian Liebrand owns a spacious photography studio with numerous sets in his home city of Bochum, but is also available around the world for discerning photo productions (e.g. calendar productions) in the area of aesthetic nude and erotic photography.

Finalist "Deutschlands bester Fotograf", Kategorie "Ästhetischer Akt", 2010, 2011 und 2012 (Leserrang 1)
Sieger "Deutschlands bester Fotograf", Kategorie "black&white", 2012
nominiert für den internationalen "eros award 2011"
nominiert für den internationalen "black&white spider award", 2012
Doppel-Sieg beim internationalen "eros award 2012" 1. Platz in der Kategorie professional "erotic, provocative, sensual" und 1. Platz in der Kategorie professional "lines, curves, shapes"
nominiert für den internationalen "Photography Masters Cup 2013", Kategorie "Professional, Nude"
Sieger Leservoting "Akt und Erotik" digitalphoto 2013
nominiert für "Fotograf des Jahres 2013" (digitalphoto)
3. Sieger ("honor of distinction", professionals) beim internationalen "black&white spider award", 2013
Goldmedaillen-Gewinner "Photo Art Championchip 2013"
Finalist Zebra Award (Black and White Photographer of the Year 2014, Fine Art)
Platz 1 "Fotograf des Jahres 2014" (Akt & Erotik, digitalphoto)
3fach Nominierung "black&white spider award", 2014, professionals nude
IPA 2014, Fine Art Nudes Pro, Honorable Mention (International Photography Awards, 8-68936-14)
ND awards 2014, fine art nudes, Honorable Mention
Monochrome Awards 2014, Professional Nudes, Honorable Mention

Photoshoot Awards 2015, Nudes, Honorable Mention
Fine Art Photography Awards 2015, 2nd winner in NUDES Professional
2-fach nominiert für den "black&white spider award" 2015
international photographer of the year 2015 (ipoty) - Honorable Mention, professionals nude
Nominee in Nude "black&white spider award" 2016
Winner "One Eyeland Photography Awards" 2016, Fine Art Nude Bronze
"10th International Color Awards", Honorable Mention, Nudes
"Monovisions Award 2017", Honorable Mention, Nudes
nominiert für "Black&White Spider Awards 2017", Nudes
3rd Place Winner in Nudes Professional "CHROMATIC INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2017"
Finalist "One Eyeland Photography Awards" 2018, Fine Art Nude
nominiert für "Black & White Spider Award", 2018
Gewinner "Germany´s TOP 10 Black & White Photographer" 2018
Silber-Medaille "World´s TOP 10 Black & White Photographer " 2018
Gewinner GOLD-Medaille "TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2018, black&white"(weltweiter Wettbewerb mit 123.000 Fotos aus 117 Ländern; pro Fotograf/Kategorie maximal 4 Fotoeinreichungen)
Nominee at the "12th Annual International Color Awards"
"PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2019": Finalist “urban nude” & Merits „body parts”
Winner "MonoVisions Black and White Photography Awards 2019", NUDE
nominiert für "Black & White Spider Awards, 2019 "nude professionals"
13th Annual International Color Awards" Nominee in Nudes professional
"PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2020": Finalist & Merits “urban nude”
"Fine Art Photography Awards", 2020, Nude professional finalist
Selected Photographer "Urban 2020 Photography Awards", street
Fotograf des Jahres 2020 "street" (digitalphoto), 2. Platz
1. Platz "Germany´s TOP 10 black and white photographer 2020" One Eyeland
Silber-Medaille "World´s TOP-10 black and white photo contest 2020 - nude" One Eyeland
nominiert für ""Black & White Spider Awards, 2020 , nude professionals"
Bronze-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards - fine art nudes, 2020"
Silber-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards - fine art nudes, 2020"
"35awards" selected top photographer, street life in bright colors, 2021
Gewinner GOLD-Medaille "TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2021, streets&paths" (größter Wettbewerb der Welt mit 130.000 Fotos aus 120 Ländern; pro Fotograf*in/Kategorie maximal 4 Fotoeinreichungen)
Finalist "PhotoShoot Awards, NUDE 2021, body parts"
1st place "6TH 35AWARDS, Nude 18+ - Viewers Choice, 2021" (unter 26.200 Fotograf*innen aus 173 Ländern)
Honorable Mention - Black & White Nude Photo of the Year 2021 "Monovisions Award 2021", Nude
1st place - Black & White Nude Photo of the Year 2021 "Monovisions Award 2021", Nude
1st place "One Eyeland Awards "Germany´s Top 10 Black & White Photographer 2021"
Silber-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards "WORLD´s Top 10 Black & White Photographer 2021, nude"
2 fach Auszeichnung "Honorable Mention"
- " Black & White Spider Awards, 2021", nude professionals
Honorable Mention - "Chromatic Awards Photography 2021", nudes professionals
2 x Bronze- Award "One Eyeland Awards - fine art nudes, professional 2021"
"best photographer - 35AWARDS - 2022", black & white nude
"great photographer - viewers choice 35AWARDS - 2022", 100 best photos
Nominee & honorable mention at the "15th Annual International Color Awards", Nudes - Professional 2022
3fach Nominierung "Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA) 2021/2022 , nudes professional"
1st place "MUSE photography awards 2022, nudes professional"
2 photos "best of nomination - 7th 35AWARDS ", nudes
4th place "100 best photos - 7th 35AWARDS ", nudes (unter 470.800 Fotos von 124.800 Fotografen)
6th place "best photographers of the competition- 7th 35AWARDS -nude18+", (124.800 Fotografen aus 174 Ländern)
Platinum Winner "London Photography Awards 2022", nudes
Silver Award & Bronze Award "WPE Worldcup Photography Award, 1st half 2022", fine art nudes
3x Platin & 5x Gold "European Photography Awards 2022"
Nominee at the "Black and White Spider Awards Awards", Nude - Professional 2022
Gold Award "New York Photography Awards 2022", professional nudes
2 Bronze Awards "World´s Top 10 Photographer Black and White - One Eyeland 2022", nudes, professional
dodho nude photography awards 2022, finalist
Monochrome Awards 2022, nude, professional, honorable mention


see all
  • Spectacular portfolio Kristian.

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!

  • Stunning works.....bravo!

  • Phantastic and very creativ photos in your portfolio. Love it.

  • Superb imagery across the entire portfolio. I don't believe there is a weak image amongst any you have shown here. Inspiration for the rest of us and you have set the bar high to come close to such elegant creativity.

  • tolle Bilder - mein Kompliment !

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful, really fascinating work! We can't wait to see what you create within the community. Let us know if we can help with anything!