Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Ken is a photographer who is passionate about creating art, mostly interested in making images that push the boundaries showing depth, emotion, sensuality, and simple beauty. Ken... more
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about KenGehring


Ken is a photographer who is passionate about creating art, mostly interested in making images that push the boundaries showing depth, emotion, sensuality, and simple beauty.

Ken is a highly sought after artist best known for capturing images of alluring beauty with his photography. His novel thought process and creative versatility resonate through his work and have awarded him a desirable reputation over the past 11 years, placing him at the forefront of the photography industry. His artistic approach utilizes vivid yet characteristic styles while adding his own personal touch aiming to distinctively convey an authentic story with each work of art. Along his journey, Ken has developed a high reputation for being an artist utilizing vivid yet distinctive style while adding his own personable approach by aiming to deliver an authentic story to each photo, advancing Ken’s career into an award-winning published photographer. Ken’s free spirit, vivacious personality, and a touch of quirkiness work in unison to help each vision and story come to life.

His principal practice is fine art photography. Ken’s work has appeared in Vogue Italia, Striking Magazine along with several other publications.


Portrait Masters, Bronze Award, 2019
Portrait Masters, Bronze Award, 2020

When She Rises, We All Rise:
“When She Rises, We All Rise” is a juried exhibition themed around gender, identity, equity, and pursuit of women’s rights.

Wedding Wire, Couples Choice Award, 2019
Publications And Features

Vogue Italia
Muese Magazine

Ken enjoys collaborating with photographers, models, and other artists, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.


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  • Wonderful body of work. You are truly an inspiration.

  • Thank you for adding me to your gallery. It's very much appreciated.

  • No worries. Not sure it was courage, fear, or simple disbelief in what was happening. On the same thought, posing nude does take courage possibly mores for males than for females?

  • The last time I was in Little Rock, I had come from Hope Arkansas where we redesigned the logotype for Klipsch loudspeakers. Entering the Little Rock restaurant for dinner, I was surrounded by guys in ski masks in August. I looked down into the barrel of a sawed off shot gun. "Give me your wallet" came the command. "No, was my reply.." " Well then give me your watch." "No, you can't have that either, and I moved past him and went out the door. Cheers

  • Love your website !!

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is fantastic, it's so great to see a mix of both male and female subjects. We can't wait to see what you create within the community! Let us know if we can help with anything!