about Juul De Vries
He has gradually learned to master the technique of digitally black and white photos by applying partial layers in Adobe Photoshop. The resulting creations occupy a specific and unique place in his work, and the strong bond he feels with his subjects is visible in the appeal of his photography.
Gastronomes who discriminate between eating and dining will confirm that high-quality ingredients, an excellent knowledge of the culinary art and an unremitting drive are prerequisites for the preparation of haute cuisine dishes. With photography those very same principles apply, a point which finds ready recognition among all creative photographers.
A proportion of these people will be susceptible to his atmospheric images. The mutual identification with one another's photographs then becomes a feast of recognition.
Publications in:
B-Authentique (2x)
FemmeArte (2x)
Dark Beauty Magazine (3x)
FART Magazine (3x)
Fine Art Photo
Apogee Photo Magazine
Sessions Magazine
See7 Magazine (2x)
Skin Two Magazine
Camera Magazine
PHOTO Magazine
Just Another Magazine
Emergent Fashion Haus
W25 Magazine (2x)
Kaltblut Magazine
Devoux Magazine
Bedeseme Magazine (2x)
Adore Noir Magazine
Solis Magazine
Ruby Magazine (2x)
Pro Photographers Magazine
Stump Magazine
Lilium Magazine
Anormal Magazine 2x
VOLO Magazine 6x
VOLTRON Magazine 4x
IT-magazine 3x
Visions Libres - Provocateur
Vault Magazine 2x
WASE magazine
Kaiser Magazine
Thank you for your kind words. I am honored to get recognition from such a fine artist.
you're welcome my friend
Exceptional and inspiring work
thnx my friend
Your work is fabulous.
thnx my friend
One of the most inspiring photographer I have come across. I am a great admirer.
thank you my friend
Congratulation to your amazing portfolio. I like the appealing posing. It’s really touchy but never disrespectful. A great source of inspiration.
thnx for you kind words my friend
amazing work
thnx my friend
A cut above. Marvelous mastery and control of the image creation process. Inspiring to all image makers and models. Eminently collectable fine art.
Thanks Philip for your kind words !
Fijn dat ik je klassefoto's nu ook hier ten volle kan genieten. Proficiat man met je mooie stijl.
dankjewel kerel, kijk en blijf genieten ;)
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!
thanks for your nice words Guy !
I realy appreciate your work a lot since quite a while now. Great nude photography !!!
thanks for your kind words my friend !
Really lovely portfolio! Love the B/W, and the mood. Very nice.
thanks for your kind words my friend !
Dramatic portfolio in B&W. The originality of the vision is evident. Thank you for sharing.
I like your kind words my friend