about jszymanski
San Francisco based photographer, artist, voyeur, educator, ne'er-do-well. I dig analog stuff, Jack Daniel's, tattoos, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with sticks. I have 2 plates, 14 screws and a 12 inch titanium rod in my legs. Long story...
I work almost exclusively with film. Incidentally, I teach a digital photography class. Go figure.
I was born on a Monday in Wyandotte, a small suburb of Detroit, and spent my entire childhood in Southeastern Michigan. My fascination with photography began at an early age, my first camera was a Fisher-Price / Kodak 110 at seven years old. At thirteen I borrowed my father's Minolta and never gave it back. I still have it today.
I attended university in San Francisco, California, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus in documentary photography. I continue to live in San Francisco today, working on various personal projects and the occasional freelance gig. Additionally I hold a faculty position at the Academy of Art University.
What a gorgeous set of images. Very envious:)
Thanks man... 👍
Love your images of Eva !!
Thank you...
You have a truly gorgeous and stunning portfolio.
Thank you, I appreciate the comment...
Great portfolio!
Thank you...
Loving your new uploads!! Beautiful work.
Thank you!! I look forward to creating with you again, Hope you are wonderful
oh and the images have been add to my site and there is a credit below www.anudemuse.com
hey buddy...long time