Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Capturing beauty and creating art, one click at a time. From nature to nude. My glamour and art nude photography is an attempt to capture a woman's beauty, honesty, openness, trust,... more
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JPatton_Photography Model Citizen

about JPatton_Photography


Capturing beauty and creating art, one click at a time. From nature to nude. My glamour and art nude photography is an attempt to capture a woman's beauty, honesty, openness, trust, and vulnerability. I'm a self-taught photographer who enjoys shooting models in natural light and I enjoy collaborating with models to blend their beauty with the beauty of the landscape. The photographs you see here are our collaborations.

“There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain.”-Audrey Hepburn

IG: jpatton_photography


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  • Thanks for the follow, you have a great portfolio yourself

  • thanks a lot for following

  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

  • Inspiring portfolio! Truly amazing work.

  • Lots of beautiful photography in your gallery.

  • Absolutely inspired portfolio! Great quality and diversity! You have an astounding eye!

  • Some really beautiful images in your portfolio

  • Thank you for following me. Though your focus is on the female genre, I find your work highly intriguing and inspiring.

    • Thank you very much. I also find your work interesting with your use of male models. I don't find many male models.

  • Profound pairing of natural beauty in all its forms

  • Thanks for reaching out! Will be happy to work with you!

  • Always love working with John!!

  • oh wow your work is amazing

  • Your gallery is amazing. The nudes in nature are breathtaking. I've been through Wyoming many times, even took some nude self-portraits there. It is a beautiful state. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

    • Thank you for the compliment. I'm fortunate to live in such a beautiful place and work with some talented models.

  • Awesome portfolio!

  • Excellent work indeed! Thank you for your thoughts.

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