Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Hobbyist. Former photojournalist. I’ve been making photographs since the ‘70s, shooting fine art for the last ten years. I shoot digital, medium format film, and instant film. ... more
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James Landon Johnson



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James Landon Johnson Model Citizen

about James Landon Johnson


Hobbyist. Former photojournalist. I’ve been making photographs since the ‘70s, shooting fine art for the last ten years. I shoot digital, medium format film, and instant film.

Photographs are slices of time. We create them through a sorting process. What subject, what to include, and what to crop out of the frame? Whether to choose monochrome or color, digital or analog methods. What is this photograph meant to communicate? More than creating or recording beauty, I hope to present insight into the subject and environment through these choices.

I’ve always been attracted to the powerful immediacy and storytelling capabilities of photography. I’m compelled to create. I can’t draw, paint, sculpt, or sing. Photography is my chosen method of artistic expression.


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  • You have such a beautiful portfolio. Thanks for taking the time to add one of my images to your Gallery.

  • Thank you for that selection into your gallery.
    Had fun looking at your pics. So much going on there.

  • Thanks for including one of my images - gave me an intro to your work. Great port - will revisit to see more!

  • What a beautiful and varied collection of work!

  • wonderful works and models. look forward to seeing ur future works

  • Working with you was phenomenal! Thank you so much for being so respectful and a breeze to work with. Your artistic eye is great and I love the images you have shared that we created together!

  • I had a great time shooting with you last weekend! Thank you for being such a patient and easy to work with artist!

  • You have a truly gorgeous portfolio. I hope to see more!

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a wonderful portfolio. We can't wait to see what you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.