about Io Figurativo
I have been doing landscape photography since the late 1960s and figure photography since 2004. I work with accomplished and aspiring models, as well as some amateurs, both in environmental and studio settings. While most of my models identify as female, I have a strong interest in working with non-binary individuals and males with non-stereotypical body styles. I also have a robust self-portraiture portfolio, which is part of my growing interest in trauma-informed photography that promotes resiliency and healing (I am a certified high adversity resilience coach).My figure photography style includes full color and monochrome images, as well infrared shots. My style tends toward deep moody shadows, imaginative settings, gentle soft focus, painterly effects from intentional camera movement, and mild abstractions. I present my images as standard prints, alternative process prints, and in handmade artwork.
Thanks for the kind comments! Your portfolio shows beautiful movement and power
You have an incredible visual eye. The modeling talent you've created with is truly impressive. I can't wait to see more of your work!
I am intrigued by the idea of a collaboration combining your creative talent, with a photographer and model. Would love to explore that.
Wonderful landscape work with models I've worked with, plus exceptional self-portraits. Bravo!
Thanks for the comments. I've really enjoyed working with all these models, and I also find self portraiture to be interesting and challenging.
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is impressive. Looking forward to seeing your artistic expressions flourish here :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.
Very impressive body of work.
I really appreciate that. Thanks.
Amazing landscape nudes! I’m a fan! Welcome to the Society!
I’ve been looking forward to it for awhile.