Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Io Figurativo

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Landscape photography has been a passion of mine since the late 1960s and figure photography since 2014. Much of my current work is environmental nudes, as it inspires deep connection... more
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Io Figurativo



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Io Figurativo Model Citizen

about Io Figurativo


Landscape photography has been a passion of mine since the late 1960s and figure photography since 2014. Much of my current work is environmental nudes, as it inspires deep connection to the natural world. I work with accomplished and aspiring models, as well as some amateurs, both in environmental and studio settings. Most of my models identify as female. They are all strong, creative and actively defining and empowering themselves. In addition, I have a growing interest in working with non-binary individuals, males with non-stereotypical body styles and men who also want to transcend stereotypes. My robust self-portraiture portfolio has also been growing, part of my interest in trauma-informed photography that promotes resiliency and healing (I am a certified high adversity resilience coach).

My photography style, whether figure or landscape, includes full color and monochrome images, as well infrared shots. The portfolio tends toward deep moody shadows, imaginative settings, gentle soft focus, painterly effects from intentional camera movement, and mild abstractions. I present my images as standard prints, alternative process prints, and in handmade artwork.

No AI here. Just real people and real places.


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  • Gorgeous portfolio. Very inspired to follow your work

  • Such an amazing portfolio! Truly inspiring.

  • Beautiful portfolio of work!

  • Your portfolio is stunning; thank you for the compliment.

  • Thanks for returning comments. Love your work .

  • thnx for sharing my friend

    • My pleasure. I really learn a lot from interacting with the work on this site.

  • Loved your images. So many stunning locations and models.

  • Your words are very appreciated. That image was made with no lens. Check out zone plates online and it will clarify how they work. They are a fun alternative.

  • My goodness what an exceptionally creative portfolio!

  • Exceptional Vision and Execution

  • This is a wonderful and inspiring portfolio. Thank you

  • What a pleasure it is to come across your beautiful portfolio. There are such expressive and inspiring images in this collection!

  • A wonderful portfolio emerging im looking forward to seeing more .Thank you for the follow

  • Thanks for the kind comments! Your portfolio shows beautiful movement and power

  • You have an incredible visual eye. The modeling talent you've created with is truly impressive. I can't wait to see more of your work!

    • I am intrigued by the idea of a collaboration combining your creative talent, with a photographer and model. Would love to explore that.

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