I'm an experienced part time photographer with a studio in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. My focus and passion is portrait and artistic nude photography.
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263 favorited images
I'm an experienced part time photographer with a studio in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. My focus and passion is portrait and artistic nude photography.
Hello Imar, I absolutely love your work. I am not sure if you hire models from UK but if you do I would be honoured to be considered as a future model. My style and skills are diverse and range from classic art nude to alternative abstract erotica. I am also a circus/cabaret performance artist and actress with 17 years experience and an all round entertainer for all ages. Voila ... my sales pitch! Thank you for your exquisite work! Gillian (Paisley X). www.paisleyx.com
What a stunning portfolio. Beautiful forms, lighting and tonalities. What a great beginning here. I have favorited several. Thanks for sharing your work.
Save images in private galleries as you discover the best figurative fine art in the world.
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Wonderful portfolio . Please follow back if you would like
Wonderful portfolio, Imar.
dag Imar, je weet dat Ilvy volgende maand bij jou om de hoek is!?
groet, Ben
Ha... ja, ik heb net vandaag een shoot ingepland met haar. Om de hoek is zeker bijna om de hoek, alleen even de brug over!
Ik zie haar de 6e in Arnhem. Fav model.
Excellent work!!
Thank you!
I love your porfolio!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for comment. The projections were so much fun to do. And I was lucky to have her as a model.
Got great feel from your images. Some real art.
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!
Thank you Guy!
Hi Imar, thank you for adding one of my images to your gallery. Your art work is beautiful!
GREAT work, Imar!
Hello Imar, I absolutely love your work. I am not sure if you hire models from UK but if you do I would be honoured to be considered as a future model. My style and skills are diverse and range from classic art nude to alternative abstract erotica. I am also a circus/cabaret performance artist and actress with 17 years experience and an all round entertainer for all ages. Voila ... my sales pitch! Thank you for your exquisite work! Gillian (Paisley X). www.paisleyx.com
Hello Gillian,
Thank you for your kind words, I've left a message in your inbox.
Best regards,
Beautiful portfolio. Great work.
Great portfolio!
Bedankt voor het enorme compliment!
Your art work is amazing. Looking forward to see more
You have too many gorgeous images to count. I hope to see much more!
Thank you!
What a stunning portfolio. Beautiful forms, lighting and tonalities. What a great beginning here. I have favorited several. Thanks for sharing your work.
Thank you Philip for your kind words!