Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Henk Aalberts Photo

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Photographer in the Netherlands, specializing in (nude) portraiture. What I have in mind while photographing other people, is avoiding the risk that I expose them how I myself would... more
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Henk Aalberts Photo



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Henk Aalberts Photo Model Citizen

about Henk Aalberts Photo


Photographer in the Netherlands, specializing in (nude) portraiture. What I have in mind while photographing other people, is avoiding the risk that I expose them how I myself would like them to be. And also how they themselves would like to be. The challenge is not to have opinions or to make suggestions, but to penetrate into the real self of the subject. It's rather trendy these days: not to be yourself, but to brand yourself. In that case I say: make a selfie and distribute it all over the world. But don't ask me to participate in that. I am interested in how you are. Not in what you would like to be


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  • Very nice collection on your website !!

  • My very sincere thanks for the follow. Amazing portfolio, my compliments.

    • Thanks for the compliments, my friend, I enjoy your portfolio and hope to see many more of your intriguing photos. Cheers, Henk

  • Very beautiful and lovely work!

  • Thank you so much for following me. I love your work. It's natural, unpretentious, and nicely lit and composed.

  • Welcome to "Model Society". It was my pleasure to join with others in voting for you. I have visited your lovely website and was delighted by your work, especially that with your model "Joy." I look forward to seeing more of your work here. My Very Best, David Verzi, The Warren Communications

    • Nice and encouraging words, David, thank you. Thanks also for voting for me. I hope to contribute more of my work on this platform in the near term. All the best, Henk

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. Can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.