Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Glamour by Richmond

Photographer / Artist
I have been shooting what I like to call "provocative portraiture" since 1994 and now, my eyes are opened wider than they have ever been. For decades, I have photographed women, mostly... more
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Glamour by Richmond



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Glamour by Richmond

about Glamour by Richmond


I have been shooting what I like to call "provocative portraiture" since 1994 and now, my eyes are opened wider than they have ever been. For decades, I have photographed women, mostly young, chasing after that elusive definition of what most of society perceives as beauty. Now, I see that I have been like a horse with blinders on. I was not deliberately ignoring other age groups or body types, but innocently, I suppose I was. For that reason, I offer my sincerest apologies to ALL women. The models on this site, both male and female, young and "mature", are beautiful, humble, sincere and confident, with no false pretenses. They are all shapes and sizes and colors with one goal… to create art. And the photographers here are all very talented too! I am learning from them just by viewing their art, which is beautifully displayed here. This site is an inspiration to me and I hope to continually add more of my images. I am also very humbled just to be included in this grand adventure, this bold display of humanity, this "ModelSociety".

“I appreciate the female body as a form of art,
not a form of pornography to be drooled over.”
L. B. Reynolds (artist, writer, poet & model) 2008

Thank you for visiting and please, if you see something you like, or don't like, leave a comment. They are all appreciated.
Jerry Richmond


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  • Thank you for your kind words about our images. We love what we are doing and even though I am 75 and my wife is 71 we will continue. We hope that it will be appreciated despite the aging of the body.

  • Thanks for your lovely comment, Richard. I know right where Elizabethtown is. I grew up in Philly and worked in Harrisburg and Carlisle when I was young -- a very long time ago.

  • Thanks for appreciating my shot of Brandy, and referencing the Looking Glass song "Brandy". I suspect that few people remember the song, and even fewer, the group. Cheers.

  • Thanks for the comment on one of my photos. To answer your question, yes it was taken at NiNPAH

  • Thank you Marga and stay safe over there. 😉

  • Great portfolio, lovely sexy pictures. And many thanks for the supportive and inspiring comments.

  • Thank you for the nice comment on my image! I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into your comment.
    By the way your gallery in very nice!

  • most interesting to read your inquisitive comments. A pleasure to see how closely you look at pictures. thank you Jerry.

  • Thank you, Jerry, for your very perceptive and discerning comment on one of my "Two Sisters" pictures! Much appreciated!

  • thank you so much for your nice reactions on my work. I will let you know when I happen to pass by Pennsylvania :)

  • Thank you for your kind comments on my work! Greatly appreciated!

    You have a very inspiring portfolio!

  • Thanks for the image comment. She is a European Jazz singer and model. Love your portfolio.

  • Thanks for your kind comments on my picture of Drew Catherine. She is an excellent model and as you pointed out, all the elements came together nicely.

  • fear not Glamour by Richmond, you will be able to learn and do much more before becoming a fine soul.

  • Glamour by Richmond -

    I've checked out your portfolio and you have several pleasing photos. Examples include "Hay You", "Brown-eyed Beauty", "Against the Railing", "Leaning in the Doorway", and "on the Tracks."

    This is not a comprehensive list of your photos that I find appealing. But, I hope it gets the point across that you have a good start at creating a really wonderful portfolio.


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