Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

G.R. Nylander

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
I have been a long-time professional photographer. I worked as an award-winning photojournalist at various smaller newspapers for 41 years before I retired in 2018. Starting about 1987... more
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G.R. Nylander



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G.R. Nylander Model Citizen

about G.R. Nylander


I have been a long-time professional photographer. I worked as an award-winning photojournalist at various smaller newspapers for 41 years before I retired in 2018. Starting about 1987 during my time off, I photographed various subjects close to my heart, Landscapes, Still Life, Nudes and Portraits mostly using large format cameras (from the film era). Starting about 1999 I have been photographing fine art nudes.

My favourite fine art photographers include Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Paul Strand, Henri Cartier Bresson, Richard Avedon and others. I'm also inspired by other artists who are not photographers, including many painters who made up The Group of Seven.

I'm looking to continue my ongoing project of photographing the nude against the backdrop of the natural beauty of nature mostly in Canada including my home province of British Columbia.

I have tried to capture a sense of beauty with my camera, however fleeting it may be, I offer through my photographs what I feel is my artistic interpretation of beauty.

My work has been published internationally and I have exhibited my work locally.

Jade, The International Erotic & Literature Magazine, The Special Reserve Collection, published by Great Northern Publishing, 2004.

Jade, The International Erotic & Literature Magazine, Issue 18, May 2005, Photographer of the Month.

The Art of Bodyscapes exhibition:

Grand House of Photography, Vernon, B.C., June , 2022.


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  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

  • You are most welcome friend

  • Thank you for the follow back, Gary - the aesthetic of your work is really beautiful.


    • You are welcome, Vox. Thanks for the kind words about my work. Your portfolio of work is beautiful.

  • Kelowna is a fine place to be from. Kind of like Victoria. Nice to run across your portfolio. I do that by looking at who is updating or who is included in other peoples collections. Looking forward to exploring your portfolio.

    • Thank you very much, Ronald for the kind comments. I grew up in Victoria, such a beautiful place! You have some incredible and beautiful work.

  • Thanks so much Gary for taking the time to leave a comment on my portfolio. It's interesting that I keep finding myself drawn to the work of Canadian photographers (like the geography should have anything to do with it). But I swear there must be something in the air or water! There's something indescribable that makes me respond to your work as it is; elegant and refined in it's purest form; simplicity, without artifice or trappings. The influence of living in the United States and living in Canada must be having an effect on both photographers and models in each environment. It might be an interesting avenue to pursue further. But again, thanks so much for the kind comments and I am glad you started sharing your work with all of us.

    • Thank you Philip for your kind words, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to photograph the landscape and models in Canada.

  • So many stunning and beautiful images!

  • Beautiful work. I love the retro/hip feeling of your photographs and creative use natural background. Very talented indeed. Sometimes less is more, and removing color allows the true beauty of the entire image to be taken as a whole.. Amazing, thank you for sharing your obvious talent here.

  • Your use of light and the lines created by the female form are beautiful.

  • A very interesting portfolio, with some wonderful environmental art nude! Great work!