about Frederick C
A retired Engineer who took up photography in 1980, at the birth of my first son after a directive from my late, lovely wife, love and mother to our 4 boys.My Art Nude interest started in 1983 after buying a book ‘Nude Theory’ which featured Alvarez Bravo, Lucien Clergue, Helmut Newton, Ralph Gibson and Harry Callahan. Their renditions of nudity directed my interests; which has only flowered recently after 40 years of Avian and Nature Photography. So for the last two years in the Art Nude genre, I remain a novice. 90% of my images are taken in my apartment due to mobility issues. I prefer the reality of figure and honesty of texture; hence I use Photoshop sparingly for cropping, contrast and dusting usually.
I believe when Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, very secretly behind them followed the realisation of human beauty. Thereby initiating the will to forever procreate humanity in love and life.
Please join me in my love of womanly beauty, it appears to improve as my heart and eyes age......
Such a beautiful portfolio! Wonderfully sensual, uncommon beauty!
Thank you for adding my Vertical Split image to your Favs gallery
Frederick, thank you for the feedback, and for adding one of my images to your gallery. Your portfolio is lovely, very sensual!
I love your portfolio. Thank you for sharing your vision of beauty with all of us.
So sorry for the loss of your wife.
Thank you for the comment, Frederick.
Thank you! I’ve admired feminine beauty all my life; now at the latter part of it I get to share my thoughts.
I love your portfolio here. It is a fantastic variety of ideas and models. Your enthusiasm for models which do not have the usual model size is wonderful. There is beauty in every body and you are finding it.
Lovely work Frederick.
As you can tell, I love your work as well.
Thank you for your comments. I greatly appreciate your feedback.
What a beautiful portfolio. My highest compliments to you and the beautiful women you've created with.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.
Glad to see you here! Claudia