about Flavio Morais
I really appreciate the natural beauty of the human body. There are so many different bodies and each one of them is constantly changing. That creates endless possibilities.https://www.instagram.com/flaviomorais.photo/
Photography makes the looking more intimate than touching. It allows me to stop the world for a moment and just observe and appreciate what is in front of my eyes.
The vulnerability of a nude body can express so much power, freedom and beauty. It can tell everything about who we are in a particular moment. Our body is the only thing that we actually have. We were born nude and we are not taking any clothes with us after death. It's something worth celebrating.
Woman is nature.
Thank you for adding my images of Monique to your gallery.
thnx for sharing my photograph my friend
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Looking forward to seeing what you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.
Thank you for welcoming and having me here. It's a pleasure to be part of such a beautiful and strong community. Looking forward to creating and connecting.