I am a hobbyist photographer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. My photographic interests include fine art nudes, dancers, travel, and street photographs and portraits.Models: please let me know if you will be in the area and would like to work with me.
Beautiful portfolio!
Thank you.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything.
Thank you! Glad to be here.
Great portfolio! Looks like we're from the same area and worked with a few of the same models. Cheers!
Thank you. Yes. Many great models come our way and we're fortunate to have some wonderful places to work with them. Looking forward to more of your work.
What a beautiful portfolio. The modeling talent you've created with is truly impressive. I hope to see more!
Thank you. Those are kind words. I'm glad you like it.
Welcome to MS! I really like all your outdoor shots! Great port! I hope we get a chance to create together one day…
Thank you. Glad you like them. Let me know if you'll be in my part of the world.