Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hello I'm a photographer in Toronto Canada, my work consist of corporate, weddings, documentary and female nude art photography more
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about femmesiren


Hello I'm a photographer in Toronto Canada, my work consist of corporate, weddings, documentary and female nude art photography


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  • Hey thanks, it's all art, really like your work.

  • See a message you’re following me! It should be the other way around. Great work, beautiful and more artful than my rough abstract or……? We’ve worked with 4 models, mostly very artful,

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Your work is inspirational! Keep creating

  • Lovely portfolio!!

  • Marc, thanks for the words of solidarity! Love your work!

  • What? Yet another Toronto area photographer doing fab work with gorgeous Canadian models!?! You guys have it too good -- I'm moving there after the cold snap breaks, LOL. Seriously, your work is awesome -- what a pleasure to browse. Keep 'em coming!

    • Good morning Randall, thanks very much for your kind words, that come from you, an amazing photographer. Looks like we have worked with some of the same models, it's always a treat to see how other photographers see them. If you do make it up this way, let's grab a coffee. Happy Holidays...

    • Buying in to this conversation, from Australia, I think that you guys have got it right. Going for coffee is a great idea.

    • I do want to make it there—just not in winter! Would very much enjoy meeting up with you for a coffee. 😊🙏🏼

  • Casual and elegant beauty. Difficult to achieve yet you illustrate it here so well. Thanks you for your comment on my port as well. Lovely work.

    • Again, great port getting better. Just fabulous imagery of so many great Canadian models. I'm with Randall, need to come up in the better weather!

  • You have such a stunning portfolio. My highest compliments to you and your glorious models.

  • Love your work!! Thanks for following! I hope to make it to Canada in the next couple years!

    • Hi Jessa,
      Thanks for your kind words. Really hope we can work together some day when you come my way or if I make it out west. Bye for now...Marc

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful! We can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way!