Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Eddy Risch

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
My name is Eddy Risch and I come from the small Principality of Liechtenstein. I am a professional photographer and my great passion is portrait and nude photography. more
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Eddy Risch



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Eddy Risch Model Citizen

about Eddy Risch


My name is Eddy Risch and I come from the small Principality of Liechtenstein. I am a professional photographer and my great passion is portrait and nude photography.


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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Revisiting your portfolio, really incredible work. And extraordinary models. Well done.

  • Dear Dieter and dear Avant-Garde Art. Thank you for following my work and appreciating my pictures. I put a lot of effort into every shoot, but always with great respect for the work of the respective model.

  • Outstanding works! Welcome to the family.

  • Truly a brilliant portfolio. Well done!

  • Thank you DKEOS for your nice comment. It pleases me when great photographers praise me! Best regards from Liechtenstein - Eddy.

    • Well Deserved .... Your ladies are exquisite and your photographs have a sensitivity that honors them and their beauty

  • Excellent Body of Work

  • Hello Andrew, thank you very much for your nice comment. But I have to return the compliment. Your pictures are great and I'm looking forward to more pictures from you. Best regards from Liechtenstein - Eddy.

  • Your portfolio is sheer delight, your work is considered and crafted with excellence. Any one, picked at random would be a happy choice to hang on my wall.

  • I would also like to thank you James for your praise. But I want to stay humble and keep working hard. In photography it's not what you've done that counts, but always the next shoot!

  • First of all Randall. Please excuse my late answer. Thank you for your praise for my work, but I'm still a long way from being a great photographer. Especially when I look at your pictures. Your portfolio is just great!

  • So much emotion in these images. Well done!

  • So many perfect portraits! Your work is exceptional.

  • Thank you very much Lightworkx for your nice comment on my set card. Yes you are right. I really try to find the best treatment for each picture. Who would not do that? But it is important to me to capture the soul of the model during the shoot. Many greetings to Canada.

  • You have a portfolio with many thought-provoking images. Love the tones, the emotive quality, and the way you have seemingly crafted an image to perfectly suit the model. Excellent work.

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