Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Dieter Kaupp

Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
Photography is my peace and harmony in life. I have always had a passion for photography since an early age. I have mostly done video documentary works in my professional career. ... more
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Dieter Kaupp



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Dieter Kaupp Model Citizen

about Dieter Kaupp


Photography is my peace and harmony in life. I have always had a passion for photography since an early age. I have mostly done video documentary works in my professional career. About 8 years ago I picked up a still camera once again and have not put it down since. Each passing day I become more and more obsessed with it. My primary passion lies in creating artistic imagery: Portrait/Body Art/Emotive and Sensual Portraiture with a bit of enhancing. I love studio sessions for the control of light as well as searching for dramatic beautiful environmental locations for natural light and stunning backgrounds, in both situations, to bring out the beauty of the female body.

Having joined Model Society, I immediately experienced new inspiration to create and to reach a higher level in my craft.. The photographers and the models from this site gives me new vision and I look forward being a part of this creative community.


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  • Your work is outstanding I can study your work peacefully for ages. I must say your portfolio is one of the finest I have seen on this wonderful platform.

  • Thank you so much for selecting Renaissance Beauty for your gallery.

  • thank u very much is yours as well!

  • Exceptional photography

  • Inspiring body of work!

  • A great gallery of beautiful photography.

  • Thanks a lot for following, mein Freund!

  • I am new to MS and just discovered your work which is stunning. I particularly admire your management of light, and simple pure compositions.

    • sorry for the long delay....thank u and ur works r stunning as well...welcome to MS!

  • You show excellent photography work in your great portfolio, Dieter! Congratulations!

  • Dieter,
    Thank you for adding my image to your gallery. Love your work!

  • Tremendous body of work!

  • Beautiful works of art Dieter!

  • There are some really fine images on this portfolio - good work.

  • In case you are interested in my larger body of work:

  • Dieter, I really appreciate you including my "Curtain Call" in your collection. You have a great sense of taste ;)

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