about Damien Lovegrove
I am a well-known professional photographer shooting in various locations throughout the world. I particularly like shooting in abandoned locations in Italy and the deserts of the US. I am a fun, passionate, photographer driven to create beautiful images. I specialise in making women look fabulous. You can see over 1000 of my photographs in 20 galleries on my website. I shoot and teach portrait photography. Please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.
Just oohing and ahhing on a return visit Damien. Love your work so much!
Thank you for the compliments
Very nice work, Damien - especially the monochrome.
Thank you :)
Very well done. excellent!
Thanks :)
A while back, I saw you on another site and commented but I forgot the site. Anyway, I'm glad to see you here. I was a long-time follower of your YouTube videos and miss them. There aren't many "photographers" on there that are truly professionals so it's always great to watch someone who knows what they're doing. I have over 56 years of experience behind the camera but always enjoy watching and learning from others.
Thank you for your kind words. As you know I've not posted to YouTube for a while. I'm still making videos though and they are for my online portrait lighting course. There are 48 videos on there plus my feature length productions are available on Lovegrove Adventures website. I'm a long way behind you on the experience front with just 40 years under my belt as a professional. Anyway, thank you for the compliments.
Love the classical almost renaissance style in your work! Keep it up!
Thank you very much. More of that is to come in the next few days. :)
Thank you for adding one of my pictures to your Favourites. Damien I have been a huge fan of your work for many years and your amazing work is inspirational.
Thank you Colin for your kind words. I'm only on here occasionally but I've just completed anoth major shoot in Italy so expect to see a few more shots added in the next few days. I'll keep an eye on your profile when I'm passing too.
I have gone through your work and your Photography is outstanding. If Ever in NYC area please give me a heads up as I want to some "Beauty and the Beast" themes which I haven't been able to do in decades. I love how you get the light in perfection locations. Of course because of your location and resources you have some mind blowing shots. Great collection.
Thank you. I've spent quite a bit of time shooting and running workshops in NYC. I feel I've done that city now and my recent work has moved on to the deserts of Nevada, Arizona and California. I also love to shoot in Europe and Italy in particular. I do the styling for all of my shoots and I'm going through a phase of shooting a romantic fantasy style.
Thanks for the compliments. :)
Nice to see your portfolio work here Damien. Work filled with beauty, mystery, humour, and brilliant creativity.
Thank you for the compliments. I'll be adding another batch of photographs over the next week or so. Then I'll be up to date until my trip to Italy next month :)
Thank you for the add to your collection Damien. As mentioned, I'm a big fan and look forward to seeing more of your creative talent here on MS.
Cheers Rik :)
Beautiful portfolio
Thank you for the compliment :)
Your portfolio is just magic.I love it.
Thank you :)
Thank you for adding the waterfall image to your favorites.
Your images are spectacular...and those places you find make me envious.
Thanks for the compliments Edward. I just love rain and umbrellas so it resonated with me :)
I could blow your inbox up with comments on each of the outstanding images in this portfolio, or I could just stop here and write...holy shit dude, this is one AMAZING port!
Hi, Don't quit! Thank you for your kindness. We all get shot envy, I'm the same. :)
There are portfolios that quietly say to me "get better or quit". This one's screaming it in my ear!
My god, your work is masterful and your settings are just phenomenal. One of the best portfolios I've seen on Model society, but too small! You should have way more followers here. Please share more!
Thank you. I joined Model Society about 10 years ago but sat dormant until yesterday. I decided to upload 100 pictures and see what happens. I have 75k followers on my YouTube and 15k on my Insta. I don't really shoot 'art nude' so this site has always been on a back burner for me. You can see thousands more of my pictures on my galleries here: https://lovegroveadventures.com/galleries/
The big problem I have with Model Society now is I woke up to 90 email notifications and I feel compelled to respond to all of them but I don't have the time. ;)
Great lighting, very nice sets, your color pics look like paintings. Great portfolio.
Thank you :)