Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

D. Christian

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
I have been an appreciator of natures beauty since childhood, and an environmental photographer/videographer of it since. Only in the last ten or so years have I begun to photograph... more
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D. Christian



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D. Christian Model Citizen

about D. Christian


I have been an appreciator of natures beauty since childhood, and an environmental photographer/videographer of it since. Only in the last ten or so years have I begun to photograph models in the wild places I frequent. This site has inspired me to share them now.
I see the female form as one of the most beautiful of natures creation, and am honored to blend it into wildness. I also see the importance of bringing attention to the saving of what wildness we have left in this world, and hope to do that by combining both in my imagery. I use only natural lighting, mostly in natural settings.
I'm launching a website within weeks, and will be showcasing all the work I do..nudes included.


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  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

  • Your connection with Skylar Rae Dawn, as well as nature itself, really comes across in your photography. Looking forward to seeing more!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it wasn't an easy shoot, but I was challenging myself, especially with being in nature's moods. It all was coming together and having great models was a huge advantage. Thank You again for taking the time to review my work and I am honored to be part of your gallery. There are more pictures on my webpage, it would be great if you could visit. Ralf

  • Thank you D. for adding several of my images to your gallery. I feel a certain connection besides our love of the female nude as I did my graduate work at the U of O and have fond memories of Eugene. Your portfolio is a very fine one and I look forward to seeing more. :-)

    • You are so welcome..and thanks for the notice and appreciation. Bit nipply in the PNW right now so I'll be doing tropical shoots for a bit..
      Keep up the impressive work!

  • Very impressed with your collaborations with Skylar Rae Dawn. So glad to see you have a presence here. The image "Invoke" is sublime, and what timing.

  • Love your collaborations with Skylar! Beautiful collection of work. Welcome to MS!

    • Thank you dear! Excited to be here. Sky and I are back on Big Island for the winter.. planning to find some more magic.

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a wonderful portfolio. Eager to see what you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.

    • We are so appreciative of your opening this outlet for us! So much talent and inspiring beauty!