Modeling portrait photographer, strobist with a passion for light and artistic quality portraits put me in the high fashion and editorial type of work.
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Modeling portrait photographer, strobist with a passion for light and artistic quality portraits put me in the high fashion and editorial type of work.
Hi! I noticed you labeled an image of ours as Alicia Fields - my legal last name should not be associated with modeling - please change this to Alicia Dawn. Thank you! Hope you’re well
I sincerely apologize Alicia, I should take more care in the future.
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Hi! I noticed you labeled an image of ours as Alicia Fields - my legal last name should not be associated with modeling - please change this to Alicia Dawn. Thank you! Hope you’re well
I am sorry, I will correct that.
I sincerely apologize Alicia, I should take more care in the future.