Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

A sprinkle of sunlight, and late evening shadows. Fall leaves, moss and lush grass. A splash of water, sandy shores, dark rich farm soil, sparkling white salt flats and earthy tones... more
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Christopher Ryan



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Christopher Ryan

about Christopher Ryan


A sprinkle of sunlight, and late evening shadows. Fall leaves, moss and lush grass. A splash of water, sandy shores, dark rich farm soil, sparkling white salt flats and earthy tones of the desert. Glacier boulders, rocky embankments, water and wind swept crevices. Crisp winter wind and saturated summer air. Hard cold, steel, brick, and glass.... These are my inspirations.
The muse with her red, blonde, chocolate brown, and raven black hair. Soft shoulders, graceful arms, ample breasts, and the curve of her hips. A powerful backside, firm thighs and shapely calves. Porcelain white skin, freckled, sun kissed brown, and pure ebony. Twisting, turning, contorting in sun and shadow......these are my motivations.

Christopher P. Ryan

Born in 1966 along the banks of the muddy Mississippi in Dubuque, Iowa, Christopher was a hell raising Irish catholic kid, spending a lot of time exploring the woods and river in his youth. Christopher was introduced to photography in High School but it wasn’t until college where his interests in photography sparked and he eventually received his B.F. A. in photography from Arizona State University. He worked in the fields of portraiture, landscape and commercial photography for 10 years. Christopher has served Thirty years in the military with two combat tours In Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2005 after a one year combat tour in Iraq he turned his attention to nude photography on film which has been his devotion for the last 11 years. He was once referred as a “renaissance man” although he would argue the point.


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  • Love your work let me know if you're visiting Jamaica

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!

  • Outstanding portfolio Christopher -- you are a true master of black and white. So many exquisite nudes!

  • A genuine artist so intimately connected to the Nature!

  • Your work is absolutely stunning! I can't wait to shoot with you again sometime!

  • Work is strikingly unique and very creative. Pleasure to follow you.

  • Love your art!

  • Thanks for the appreciation! I really like your work also...

  • Your work is lovely.

  • Thank you for your kind words. You work is incredible, as ever. :)

  • Beautiful body of work. I don't care what any one says, digital can never compare to film, especially with the subject of nudes. Well done!

  • Excellent work, Christopher. Well done.

  • Thank you for the kind words. Your comment sent me to look at your port. Beautiful work.
    Be well.

  • Very, very nice.