Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Chris Watts

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
PNW Photographer with a passion for geology, the outdoors, and artistic challenge. I love the creative process and I'm willing to photograph anything except weddings. I hope my... more
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Chris Watts



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Chris Watts Model Citizen

about Chris Watts


PNW Photographer with a passion for geology, the outdoors, and artistic challenge. I love the creative process and I'm willing to photograph anything except weddings. I hope my portfolio will help inspire folks creativity.


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  • Chris is a sweetheart and lovely to work with!

    • Thank you. I look forward to creating with you again this summer.

  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

    • No problem, there's so much great photography here it's hard not to get overwhelmed. Much less stand out.

  • Thank you for the support! I see you are in Portland! I am in Southern Oregon, hopefully we can work together. I have worked as an art model/life model since 2014!

    • You are welcome. I may live in Portland, but grew up in Roseburg and went School in Ashland. So I'd be happy to to take an opportunity to work with you. I have been meaning to get down there. I miss it and now I have another reason to make the trip.

    • Yes just drop me a line with the message feature. This will probably date me but it was SOSC when I went, but at least it wasn't SOC. 😉
      If for some reason you are curious to see what else I shoot check out my Instagram.

    • I see that. Thanks. I hope you like it.

    • You went to SOU? As did I. Hope to chat more!

    • Followed you!

  • Absolutely inspiring portfolio and I am glad to have found your work and I look forward to seeing more.

  • I love seeing our favorite models interpreted by different lenses!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Thank you for the follow! Likewise! :)

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. Can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.

    • Thank you. It's an honor to be included in the ranks of such talented creatives. 😀

  • What a beautiful portfolio. The modeling talent you've worked with is truly impressive. I hope to see much more!

    • Thank you. I've been pretty fortunate in who I've had the opportunity to work with. You have a very nice portfolio as well.