Your photograph, like much of your work, inspires both interpretation and story -- the blessing is mine for having my imagination sparked by your work.
Your work captured your model's strength and confidence and grace in an inestimable way, combining both aesthetics and magnetism -- wonderful work, Dieter!
The rather esoteric and mutable term "resonance" is what I strive for in my own work, and search for in the work of others, and so readily find in your images, and in a handful of others.
Save images in private galleries as you discover the best figurative fine art in the world.
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much appreciate another photo of lovely Gazelle to ur well curated gallery
Again, Dieter, wonderful work <3
Thank you for adding my photo of Jen Lange to your beautiul gallery.
My pleasure!
Thank you for adding my images
Thank you for sharing. The lighting is subtle, and the image exemplary -- well done.
Thank you for adding my photo of Zoe West.
That photograph is a "Wow" moment, and I'm having difficulty in interpreting it, but, damn...deep-hitting shot.
Thank you for adding my image
Love the spontaneous quality of the shot :)
Appreciate having one of my images added to such an impressive collection. Thank you.
Two enigmatic pieces, open to interpretation, embodying both ambivalence and elegance -- lovely work, thank you for sharing!
always appreciative, love the gallery
Always a joy to add quality work by artists with depth
Thank you for adding my photo of Yevenia Karapolous to your Favorites gallery.
Your photograph, like much of your work, inspires both interpretation and story -- the blessing is mine for having my imagination sparked by your work.
again, thank u for the addition of two images of Gazelle to this wonderful galllery
Your work captured your model's strength and confidence and grace in an inestimable way, combining both aesthetics and magnetism -- wonderful work, Dieter!
Thank you <3
thank u very much....I can certainly say the same with ur works as well.
Thanks, again. Honored to see that you have added my photo of Inna Braginsky to this gallery.
The rather esoteric and mutable term "resonance" is what I strive for in my own work, and search for in the work of others, and so readily find in your images, and in a handful of others.
Thank you for adding my photo of Nika to your Favorites gallery.
Truly outstanding work, thank you for sharing
very much love the gallery, thank u for an addition of one of my works.
My pleasure! Your work is stunning, filled with an aesthetic restraint and elegance, I can feel the tautness of the shot.
Thank you for adding "Super Sexy" to your curated gallery. It is always an honor to have you art chosen by a peer.
Best Regards, Tim :) 💘💘💘
Thank you for adding my photo of Nadia Ruslanova to your Favorites gallery.
My pleasure, your work is utterly beguiling