Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Travelling photographer. My heart is stuck between street photography and more deliberate planned portraits. Trying to steal influence from both. I primarily shoot with digital... more
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Bardic Brad



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Bardic Brad

about Bardic Brad


Travelling photographer. My heart is stuck between street photography and more deliberate planned portraits. Trying to steal influence from both.

I primarily shoot with digital cameras (several sony bodies, and a ricoh GRIII), but also film (some 35mm, but mostly 645 and 6x6 medium format). My future wishlist includes the PixiiMax, something 6x7, and a 4x5 field camera.

I have a decent collection of monolights and related gear that I travel with (including AD300 and AD400), allowing me to bring lighting on-location... but lacking a studio or permanent residence has forced me to focus on simpler one or two light setups.

I have occasionally been talked into modelling myself, and am competent at illustration and harmonica playing. Ask me to speak about ancient Greek and Roman philosophy...



Open to some casual collaboration in 2024:
* Tokyo late October
* Kyoto/Osaka late November
* Various other Japanese cities, Early Nov and Early December
* Taipei late December / Early January
* Possibly other cities in Asia as well. Flexible plans still.


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  • Thank you for adding two more of my images to your gallery

  • Thank for including my images in t into your gallery. I will enjoy following your work and invite you to follow me also if you would like.

  • Brilliant Portfolio

  • thanks for sharing my photograph my friend

  • Thanks for post my image in your gallery, much appreciated and your work is awesome also!

  • Thanks a lot, I very appreciate it!
    And very nice gallery :)

  • Wonderful work.

  • Hi Brad! I see someone like myself - you self shoot and photograph - welcome!

    • I only self shoot with extreme irregularity 😅 but I am grateful for the recognition! You are vastly more prolific. 👏

  • I’m honored that you chose my images to add to your galleries.

  • Thanks for adding photo to your gallery !

  • Hi Brad - nice to catch up! Need to build my profile here now :) ...

    • ciao Brad - yep, I need to get some more images up here :) . Thanks for letting me know about the voting thing - I was not aware that they do that... speak soon, Georg

    • Oh hey Georg, I didn't realize it was you (I didn't see any of the images of yours I was familiar with). I wish I had screenshotted the voting for you, I think it was 14 yes and 1 misguided no. (usually not that unanimous!)

    • I've only just recently got here myself. It's incentive to get to my backlog of images that have never been shown.

  • great work!

  • Thanks for the add. You have a wonderfully diverse portfolio!

    • No thanks necessary, you have an admirable figure, and I appreciate the feedback!

  • Thank You for adding my image in your gallery!

  • Thank you for adding my work in your gallery's!

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