about asylumimages
Art-Nude Photographer based out of Auckland, New Zealand - Travels upon commission. http://www.modelmayhem.com/yannim
My passion is the Art Nude within nature or industrial. I'm experimenting with other forms as I find time.
Always looking for Art models to work with.
My personal and special thanks to one of the most influential people and model in my life... Minh-Ly.
Hi, Just wanted to thank you for offering some thoughtful feedback in the application voting. We've passed your comment along with some encouragement for the applicant to send over more images.
Welcome, and thank you, I think this new voting system is a good idea, and I hope people can offer constructivisum all around!! Wonderful work!
Don't sell yourself short. There are several genres of photography. I suspect that you will find your niche. But don't let that stop you from also pushing your boundaries.
I'm trying,... but yea, nerves get in the way.. :P but hey, i get pushed by one of my great friends who's also a model here. so yeah i have keep trying :P
Oh and thanks for the "follow" too.
You're welcome :)
It's winter but it's giving even the staunchest deniers pause.
I just mentioned summer because my understanding is that when the northern hemisphere is on one season the southern is the opposite.
You are in New Zealand, right?
And by the way, I like your photo of Lucy in the lake. great composition with her pose and the tree.
Yea it's the end of summer now, still very warm, but the rains will come soon too..
Yes I'm in New Zealand, strange but nice little isolated country lol.
Thanks, yea Lucy is a blast to shoot with, such a bundle of energy. We were messing about in the early morning as the fog gave the location quite the surreal feel. :)
Asylumimages -
Thanks for your comment on Nymph "Watching the Planes at JFK."
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
You're very welcome, and thank you also, Enjoy... winter ? :)
Welcome to Model Society, your portfolio is beautiful! We can't wait to see what you create within the community! We're here to help if you need anything along the way!
Thank you that means so much, i dont feel my art is good, i see some amazing work here.. but i hope to inspired, as my dearest friend and model here also is an empowerment of courage and strength for me also.