Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

My name is Arne and I photograph with a unique background. I grew up in the countryside, surrounded by nature, and this is something that still resonates in my work. Educated in... more
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ArtBorch Photography



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ArtBorch Photography

about ArtBorch Photography


My name is Arne and I photograph with a unique background.

I grew up in the countryside, surrounded by nature, and this is something that still resonates in my work.

Educated in fashion and has worked in the industry for 2 decades.

After some turbulent years in the mid-nineties, I met my life partner while traveling in Asia, and this experience made me find a new meaning in my life.

Meeting my life partner and discovering photography as a form of expression has added a new dimension to my creative journey.

With a childhood rooted in nature, my photographic work is influenced by its beauty and serenity.

My extensive experience in the fashion industry brings a unique perspective to my photographic storytelling.

Bringing in my fashion expertise, I aim to create images that communicate narratives and evoke emotions, just as clothes tell stories about the wearer.

If you have a story to tell, I'd love to be the one to capture it.

In ArtBorch Photography, I specialize in nude art photography, which for me is a mix of art and documentary photography.

My philosophy is to create art that captures the essence of the model in a natural setting, with minimal equipment and a lot of passion.

I believe that with natural light and some creative minds, you can create amazing images without expensive equipment or a large studio.


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  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio that I enjoyed viewing. I want to encourage you to stay inspired and keep creating. The world is a much better place with art!

    Best Regards, Tim :)

    • Hi Tim 👋

      Thank you so much for your comments🙏
      They mean a lot to me, and I am encouraged to do more creating by words like yours. Have a great day and keep enjoying life😊
      Best regards, Arne

  • Some fine concepts here. My thanks for the follow.

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help at all along the way.