about AlexiaCerwinskPierce
I am a South Carolina based fine art photographer. I love portraiture. Especially nude portraiture. There is such a vulnerability to it, leaving nothing to hide behind. I find people extremely fascinating. Their emotions, how the face & body have their very own language for expressing these emotions. I love capturing it all. My work is fundamentally autobiographical, using my own emotions & experiences as inspiration. For me, photography has been extremely cathartic & incredibly personal. It is an exploration of self & the depth of human emotion.
Your portfolio is fantastic, filled with great beauty and emotion.
Thank you. I spent some years in South Carolina, Port Royal and Beaufort. While I was a Marine as you may have guessed.
Yes, I am - @randylagana and I have a website, www.randylagana.com, but I haven't updated it in some time.
Thank you so much. I admire your work as well.
Are you on Instagram? Would love to follow you there if you are.
Beautiful work great use of light.
Beautiful work. I love all the emotion and conceptual thougth behind it
After seeing the image of the day, 'Persona Non Grata', I looked at your portfolio. Fascinating viewing your depth of emotion and exploration of self. You may count yourself one of the few artist/photographers that take their work in that direction. With as much purpose and clarity as you do here.
Thank you. Your words are too kind.
Your work is great!
Thank you so very much ❤
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful. So excited to see how you branch out into the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.
I love your work here! Appreciate you checking out mine as well! You’ve got such a beautiful body of work and I really enjoy the Bodyscape style photos!
Very unique and beautiful work!
Thank you 😊