Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

X. Alejandro Photos

Photographer / Artist
{Update 01-05-2020} I've been ignoring ModelSociety for some unknown reason. This will change! Welcome to my jumbled up mind First off, thanks for clicking on my profile... more
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X. Alejandro Photos



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X. Alejandro Photos

about X. Alejandro Photos


{Update 01-05-2020}
I've been ignoring ModelSociety for some unknown reason. This will change!

Welcome to my jumbled up mind

First off, thanks for clicking on my profile here.
Second, this bio will be jumbled up, as is my brain.

A bit about myself:
I'm a native of Puerto Rico. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, I will probably like you. Got married in June 2017.

I'm here to make new connections with models and photographers and many other different artists to learn, and make new friends.

I'm a firm believer that people should love what they see in the mirror. Even if you don't have the ideal body you would want, you're still special. I started shooting with close friends back in highschool and college as I was very shy, and all of my friends had never been in front of a camera to model. My goal was then, and still is, to make anyone I shoot feel great about themselves. If my photos make that person see themselves in a new light and feel beautiful, then I feel like I did a great job.

Photography Background:
I've never taken a class for photography. Everything I've learned has either been by having AHA moments or by asking for tid bits from other artists. I started shooting with my best friend at the time back in highschool; she was my first model. I was using a Sony Cybershot point and shoot. My first DSLR was a Nikon D3300 in 2015. And now my weapon of choice is a Sony a6000. I've worked with some AMAZING people, some of whom I've become friends with.

If you've made it this far, then I assume that you like me enough to consider working with me. Feel free to message me. I check my messages here fairly often :)


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