about WildmanChuck
My name is Chuck Seller. I started out as a Phoenix street photographer in the early 70s. I very briefly dabbled in advertising work but found it stifling so I returned to my first love as a street photographer, shooting mostly in Arizona and Mexico. Mentored by such notable art photographers as Imogen Cunningham and Judy Dater, I was fortunate to have three images accepted for publication by the old Life Magazine shortly before its demise and was chosen by Imogen Cunningham to represent her in the 1975 Life Photography Annual. In recent years I have been shooting mostly with art models and have the privilege of working with some of the best in the industry.
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Brings back many memories. Wonderful portfolio of beautiful women Chuck. Thanks for sharing your work.
I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the poses and the select camera angles you used. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here..
Thank you for adding my image to your gallery!
Thank you for following my work. Rod
Thank you following my portfolio !!
Looked at some of your work from AZSO last fall...nice work Chuck. Nice work.
Thanks for adding one of my photographs to your gallery.
Beautiful photographs!
Thank you so much for adding one of my photographs to your gallery.
Hi there! Thanks for following me!
great work
Thank you for adding one of my images to the gallery you curate