After 35 years of doing commercial design and branding, I'm finally doing collaborative work with novice and profesional models to create pieces of art that is as unique as they are.
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After 35 years of doing commercial design and branding, I'm finally doing collaborative work with novice and profesional models to create pieces of art that is as unique as they are.
Beautiful imagery. I am starting to think that Asheville NC is a hotbed of great artists and photographers. I am counting you in as as one of those great artisans. The imagery you create is very reminiscent of the type of nudes in nature I often shoot as well. Consider me an avid fan.
Save images in private galleries as you discover the best figurative fine art in the world.
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Beautiful imagery. I am starting to think that Asheville NC is a hotbed of great artists and photographers. I am counting you in as as one of those great artisans. The imagery you create is very reminiscent of the type of nudes in nature I often shoot as well. Consider me an avid fan.
You have an unbelievably beautiful portfolio. My compliments to you and the glorious models you've collaborated with!
Thank you!