about Ray Fritz
People interest me. From early psychology studies I became curious as to how the unconscious interacts with, and influences, everyday behaviour and activities. Through photography I try to bring these interactions and influences into view; if not explicitly, at least implicitly. The human mind, and therefore our behaviour, is largely driven by factors and forces we often can’t identify. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy strive to understand these factors by bringing them into everyday consciousness. One way of doing this is to observe a person’s interactions with objects and symbols, however disconnected to their everyday experience that may be. The Rorschach Inkblot Test is an example of this. My images are observations of people interacting with items and environments which give some insight into their inner life. We can never fully understand our own mind, nor that of others. What we can see is always surrounded in shadow. I try to shed a little bit of light into those shadows.
Excited to create with you soon :)
I can’t wait to create art with you!
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Very creative images with the rope prop
Beautiful work Ray!
Stunning works Ritz. I appreciate your interest in mine. Look forward to keeping in touch!
This is a very good portfolio. I love the way you set your light. Great selection of models and nice use of props. Very good work!
You have amazing pictures! Nice work!
Thanks Jolien
Stunning port, love you work
Gorgeous collection of pictures! Great work.
Thank you Mina
Great portfolio. Very nice work.
Thank you
I've enjoyed your work before, so it's good to be able to join you here. Awesome portfolio!
Thanks for following my work here, and elsewhere. Best wishes and apologies for this late reply.
A very original, striking and thoughtful collection of photos. Really, really well done...
Thanks Richard. Apologies for this late reply. I find my contributions here rather eclectic. But yes, I do put a lot of thought into them. Thanks for noticing and commenting.
Love your website
gorgeous work
Great profile!!
Thanks for looking and commenting