Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
At the end of 2013 I retired from an international career as a geologist and am now devoting more or less full-time to my photography passion. I’ve long been in thrall to the beautiful... more
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Randall Hobbet



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Randall Hobbet Model Citizen

about Randall Hobbet


At the end of 2013 I retired from an international career as a geologist and am now devoting more or less full-time to my photography passion. I’ve long been in thrall to the beautiful in all its forms and thus as a photographer pursue many different subjects from wildlife to landscapes to architecture to longtime exposures to abstract. But a primary fascination for me is that highly evolved form of beauty: Woman. It is the fleeting aspect of beauty that I particularly find an interesting challenge, to capture beauty and yet attest to its fugitive quality.

Those moments can be in the millisecond moment of a dancer, an emotion passing across the face; or the life force of animate nature, be it animal or plant, the patience of a heron, the predatory gaze of a cat or owl, the flower of womanhood… The fleeting moment can also entail changing light in a landscape, or as in long exposure photography, it can approach from the other side to express persistence in time, the energy flux of passing clouds, the flow of a stream, the endless churn of the oceans, the star tracks of the heavens… and yet it is still a moment in deep time, nothing is eternal…


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  • Master of light.

  • Thanks for sharing my photograph my friend !

  • I love your portfolio. Great choice of models, well framed, very good lighting in sometimes very difficult sets. Congrats. Very inspirational

    • Thank you Jũrgen for the kind comments here and on my images. Love your portfolio too, so many beautiful images!

  • You welcome, I love your excellent works!

  • Wonderful Portfolio. Stunning Images and great choice of light. WELL DONE.

  • Truly beautiful work Randall, and I love your philosophy, so similar to my own with regard to photography and preserving images of the beauty around us, in all its forms.

    • Thank you so much for your comments here John. Greatly appreciated. Beauty will save the world! (Dostoevsky)

  • Thank you for including my photo in your Showcase - I'm very honoured. Your Showcase is a marvellous collection of beautiful work.

  • Your portfolio is a Masters Showcase.

  • Thank you for the kind words Randall.
    Once again, I find your work inspiring and appreciate the way you consistently show attention to detail with your lighting and poses.

  • thnx for sharing my photograph my friend !

  • It's beautiful to recognize the reverent attention, and care put into your work, reflected in the subject and complimenting light. thank you for following my work, its a great compliment.

  • It seems like you are the photographer in every 3rd image here that I comment on here; and that's not when I'm viewing your portfolio! Your work is truly some of the very, very best.

    • That means a lot to me coming from you Wes. I've seen your work over the years and it's always first rate and working with some favorite models of mine. I wish you would share more of it here on Model Society. This is THE PLACE to showcase it!

  • Thank you for such a kind comment, Randall! Was such a nice thing to read after logging in today. I'm also happy we got to work together!

  • Thank you for the friendly image comments!

  • Thank you for the image comment, and inclusion in your gallery!

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