about PhotoSmith
The Photosmith is a photographer.When he has the time, his photographic subjects range from the art nude to motorsports, architecture to aviation and… a little bit of documenting the world in which he's found himself.
Beautiful work <3
Incredible body of work there. Really great work. @guycarnegie
I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the select camera angles you used. Sometimes less is more and removing color can really allow the canvas to speak to the viewer; wonderful job.. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here.
Thank you for your lovely comment! Beautiful work!
Your work is a inspiration. Wonderfully beautiful
I love your work! congrats! Hope one day we can work together.
add me https://www.facebook.com/lua.constandmontreuil
beautiful work i hope work with you someday
<3 yours too :)
I love your work! Best of luck with everything :)
About time you showed up 'round these parts!
<3 xo