Más allá de los cánones clásicos, tus imágenes de atletas y bailarinas lucen muchas veces un matiz sin contracturas que hace olvidar la obvia y explícita profesión de tus modelos. Todas son expertas en mostrar su cuerpo, pero no todas saben aquello que tú sí sabes encontrar en más de una ocasión: mostrarlas a ellas como mujeres de cuerpo trabajado, dedicadas a su cuerpo a través de su arte propio, pero sin caer en la rutina de la posición previsible de danza o deporte. Amilcar Moretti Buenos Aires EROTICA DE LA CULTURA
Beyond the classic canons, your images of athletes and dancers look many times a nuance without contractures that makes the obvious and explicit profession of your models forget. They are all experts in showing their body, but not all know what you do know how to find on more than one occasion: show them as working women worked, dedicated to their body through their own art, but without falling into the routine of the foreseeable position of dance or sport. Amilcar Moretti Buenos Aires Erotics of culture
Thank you Lars. I have seen your artwork, which I find above standads, with outstanding expressions of emotions. Your body is beautiful and shaped like a statue. Congratulations
Beautiful and inspiring imagery. I love it.. I love your use of black and white photography as well as contrast to really bring out the beauty of the model and create a captivating image. Sometimes less is more and removing the color can often allow the true beauty of the image to spring forth. Pure genius.. thank you for sharing your obvious talent here. .
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wonderful works, lovely light...look forward to seeing more over time.
Your love and passion for the art really shines. @guycarnegie
Más allá de los cánones clásicos, tus imágenes de atletas y bailarinas lucen muchas veces un matiz sin contracturas que hace olvidar la obvia y explícita profesión de tus modelos. Todas son expertas en mostrar su cuerpo, pero no todas saben aquello que tú sí sabes encontrar en más de una ocasión: mostrarlas a ellas como mujeres de cuerpo trabajado, dedicadas a su cuerpo a través de su arte propio, pero sin caer en la rutina de la posición previsible de danza o deporte.
Amilcar Moretti
Buenos Aires
Beyond the classic canons, your images of athletes and dancers look many times a nuance without contractures that makes the obvious and explicit profession of your models forget. They are all experts in showing their body, but not all know what you do know how to find on more than one occasion: show them as working women worked, dedicated to their body through their own art, but without falling into the routine of the foreseeable position of dance or sport.
Amilcar Moretti
Buenos Aires
Erotics of culture
absolutely stunning portfolio
Thanks for following me.
Your high and low-key photos are great.
Thanks. That's really nice to hear.
Thank you Lars. I have seen your artwork, which I find above standads, with outstanding expressions of emotions. Your body is beautiful and shaped like a statue. Congratulations
Nice work Philippe!
Beautiful and inspiring imagery. I love it.. I love your use of black and white photography as well as contrast to really bring out the beauty of the model and create a captivating image. Sometimes less is more and removing the color can often allow the true beauty of the image to spring forth. Pure genius.. thank you for sharing your obvious talent here. .
Lovely work across your whole port.
Thanks for following , great works !