Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
I have always loved art weather it be film,theatre or paintings and photography etc... But this year I took my first steps to working with models I’m hoping to do more over time.But... more
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NeilH Model Citizen

about NeilH


I have always loved art weather it be film,theatre or paintings and photography etc... But this year I took my first steps to working with models I’m hoping to do more over time.But this year has just been a roller coaster in what I have learnt from models and other photographers.


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  • Thank you for adding Nude with Antique chair to your gallery

  • I love the style of your expressive nudes

  • So glad to get lost in your timeless classic works!

  • A portfolio overflowing with majestic imagery

  • What a lovely collection of work! Well done!

  • very nice portfolio!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Beautiful work!

  • amazing work, fella!

  • Your work is breathtakingly beautiful!!!! My favorites are the ones that remind me of old Masters paintings. STUNNING images!!!!

    • Thank you. I do like it if can create image that looks like an old master. Just means you can travel light regarding lighting as you really only need one strobe to light the subject.

  • An outstanding oeuvre you have created here Neil, especially with Nicole. Love your aesthetics and eye for composition. and the atmospheric volume you create with your deft use of shadow and light. Impressive too for being only your first year in this genre -- surely more time has passed!

    • Dose need an update but thank you for the nice comments.

  • Love your work! I especially admire the images of Nicole, and Lila. They are powerful and beautiful!

  • Nicole being the meat of your portfolio and the others the salt and pepper. Love seeing these wonderful images of Nicole.

  • Nice portfolio. Love Nicole and her 'style', still with the Hat has that beautiful tone, and of course, Ivory Flame is very special too. Beautiful eye, stunning work, appreciate seeing it.

  • Lovely Work! If I make it back to the Uk someday I would love to collaborate with You!

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