Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Michele Fatarella

Photographer / Artist
A Total Passion for the Image and the Life in an Endless Moment...drives me impetuously with the light, it projects me in the multitude of colors. It transposes me in space and into... more
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Michele Fatarella



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Michele Fatarella

about Michele Fatarella


A Total Passion for the Image and the Life in an Endless Moment...drives me impetuously with the light, it projects me in the multitude of colors. It transposes me in space and into the people's eyes, into feathers and fur, between the ruins, into a pose, or perhaps into a gesture...

Michele Fatarella, I was born in Florence September 28th, 1972

The greatest interest lies within creative photography. Within that magical combination that is the mixture of fantasy and real image. In an idea born in a dream or the reality toned by the bizarre whim of a thought, or by a daydream desire, and in the encounter between the light and an action bent in a pose that moulds in a glare of the mind, a twinkle in the eye, and within a subtle tension of the soul.
The reportage of artistic events, like theatre, music and dance are a great love, too. There is no greater emotion than to live stunned through something again. The motionless perfection of gesture and the outburst of an expression, that by itself exists in a single moment and now last forever.
I am also captivated by the decadent beauty of the modern ruins of industrial archaeology. Weather it is the location for a portrait or figure photography, I search for special situations and atmospheres for the perfect fit of shapes, colors and expressions. For documentary photography, I search to keep the memory of the invisible parallel universes which pulse beside ours and often run out and disappear into the just-passed future.
However, the interpretation along with the imaginative and the evocative development of the image is fundamental. The tools of digital photo editing are vital in order to develop and amplify, and to paint wefts of thought and to carve and highlight the relief of emotions.



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