about Macro
All images on Model Society will remain COPYRIGHT IM Photography and may not be used or reproduced in any way without written permission of IM Photography.
Violating copyright law is punishable by fines, plus all associated court & attorneys fees. All of the photographs contained within this web page are provided strictly for your viewing purposes, exclusive to this web page. None of the photographs contained within this web page should not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, altered or projected in any way alone, or with other images, by use of computer or other electronic means, without a prior written and signed licensing contract between you and IM Photography. I can be reached at fstop360@yahoo.com to inquire about print purchases.
Thank you for the note :) I have been fortunate to have been able to work with Olivia quite a bit in the last couple of years. She is an amazing model.
Love your work and philosophy. A series of great captures of beautiful women.
Sorry for the late response
Thank you for your inspiring comment.
I love it :D Beautiful portfolio!
Thanks for the kind comment. Love your work.
Very nice!
I worked. Hope you had a great Memorial Day.
Thank you for the nice comment on my image of the beautiful MAYA, Macro! Love seeing your beautiful work as well!
Thanks for the kind words! Your portfolio is inspiring!
Thanks for the compliment Macro, you too indeed have a fine body of work in your portfolio.
I love your talented use of background and foregroung to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love how you balance in the simple beauty of nature in such a way that both it and the model can be appreciated in totality as part of the greater photograph. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here.
Thank you for the pic comment! Love your work!!
Beautiful work. I love the natural simplicity and beauty of your photos.
Thank you for following my work and for your wonderful images. Rod
You are welcome Mr. Macro.