beauty and fine art photographer, trying to capture the real woman behind the models I work with. Working with available light only, to fully be able to concentrate on expressions,...
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beauty and fine art photographer, trying to capture the real woman behind the models I work with. Working with available light only, to fully be able to concentrate on expressions, poses and settings. Based in Ronse, Belgium.
Your work is astounding in its creativity and use of light. The models are quiet, gently photographed, and your lens seems to somehow see below the surface. Beautiful!
I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the select camera angles you used. Sometimes less is more and removing color can really allow the canvas to speak to the viewer; wonderful job.. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here.
thank you, sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment, Ludwig
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Great portfolio, very refined style.
I love the ethic, really inspiring portfolio. Great work!
Your work is astounding in its creativity and use of light. The models are quiet, gently photographed, and your lens seems to somehow see below the surface. Beautiful!
thank you Bruce, your comment makes me smile :)
You have such a gorgeous and beautiful portfolio. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful art with the world!
thank you so much for your comment, it is always appreciated!
Your use of natural light is breathtaking! An indeed, your compositions capture more than mere beauty. I look forward to following your journey xo
thank you, I'm happy you like my work!
I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the select camera angles you used. Sometimes less is more and removing color can really allow the canvas to speak to the viewer; wonderful job.. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here.
thank you so much for commenting!
love your images on your website...
thank you, sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment, Ludwig