Model Society

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Model Citizen
I began my fine art journey in 2012 after finding a fine art nude workshop on line. I had no experience as a photographer beyond shooting with my 35 mm Pentax ME Super I received as... more
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Lonnie Tate



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Lonnie Tate Model Citizen

about Lonnie Tate


I began my fine art journey in 2012 after finding a fine art nude workshop on line. I had no experience as a photographer beyond shooting with my 35 mm Pentax ME Super I received as an early college graduation gift from my parents. I shot everything in automatic, but at least could chance my aperture and know it's effect. After getting married, the 35 mm was "outdated" and the digital world was upon us.
I purchased a point and shoot for those family vacations, sporting events and birthdays. Stumbling upon the workshop that was to be held at a favorite vacation/recreation area, Lake Powell, Utah, my wife gave me a "go ahead" when I showed her the video advertisement. I was clueless about what I needed for a camera and headed to the local Sam's Club and purchased what to me was a top end camera, which later turned out to be a cropped Canon T3i. The workshop was a success and as a beginner I learned a lot from Joel Belmont and Kim Weston, descendant of the great Edward Weston and the Weston family of photographers including Brett and Cole. I was pretty excited about my accomplishments and was really encouraged by the people I met including a few of the photographers and models. I am pretty sure looking back that they had some good laughs at my lack of knowledge and excitement. I thank every one of them for teaching me. I have remained good friends with several of them. I did a few solo shoots over the next year and did another workshop in the fall of 2013. From that time I have been as involved with nude shoots as often as I can afford. In the spring of 2015 I attended a workshop with Kim Weston in Carmel, CA.

My journey continues and I try to create art that one might like to hang on a wall in their office or home. Please feel free to contact me as a model or a photographer or artist, and please take some time to look at my portfolio.


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  • Amazing Port !!

  • Wonderful portfolio. Keep up the good work.

  • Lonnie, lovely works of art! Very similar to the style I'm familiar with. The rewilding you encapsulate is a breath of crisp & clean air. Your diligence with the craft shows with your recent work..glad to have landed my eyes on your portfolio.

  • Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email:

    Thanks, Kurt Meredith (KSM)

  • Your images all have a subtlety to them - within the nude art community many photos are "in your face" but your work feels so natural and intrinsically beautiful

  • Beautiful body of work....

  • Lovely work.

  • Outstanding immense body of work! So much inspiration here!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Just finding your work. What an amazing portfolio. I find there to be something gentle and serene in your images. The composition is intricate, but still somehow very calm. This is inspiring work.

  • Wonderful portfolio!

  • Lonnie, we started in on this genre about the same time and have worked with many of the same models. It's kind of surprising we haven't crossed paths yet in real life, but I think that's going to change next year. :-) Your portfolio here is exceptional. I love your eye for composition, both in nature, the way you often place the figure in a setting that emphasizes the context (I think that's Belmont's influence), but also in tight crops where only portions of the body is revealed (I suspect that's Weston's influence). It's beautiful work and I find it inspiring--I think I need to do more of both myself. I agree with Philip; it's time for a book, and I will want a copy.

  • As I mentioned in my reply comment, long time appreciator of your aesthetic. We have a similar route to figure photography as well (I started quite recently too) and my first real exposure was through a Weston Workshop on Wildcat Hill. My imagery should have such impact and an aesthetic like yours. I really admire the cohesive feel and direction you have in your work. Whereas, I have been all over the map due to my commercial encumbrances, many of which I still have to consciously move away from to keep on track. Stellar body of work here. Might be time to put out a book even if self-produced. Sign me up for a copy if and when you do.

  • What an outstanding portfolio. You capture your models in such a way they become a part of nature.

  • Very good portfolio. Great ideas, nice perspectives, cool lighting. Congrats.

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