about Jerry Jr
I'm a learning and still yet undefined photographer as far as a specific genre is concerned. Been told I have a style but I haven't been convinced of that yet. Love black and white but not restricting myself to just that. I love seeing emotion in my photos, some sort of expressiveness.
Thanks for including me in your gallery. You've got some stunning images. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more.
Thank you, you have some beautiful work as well.
Thanks so much for adding my work to your gallery, Jerry! And you've got some sharp work yourself!
You are very welcome and thank you as well.
interesting work, and from a "Mountaineer" too! ( was born and raised in Parkersburg)
Awesome!! Thanks!! I have several friends in Parkersburg.
Would love to add of photo from you if our paths ever crossed... :)
Definitely would look forward to that. :)
I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the poses and the select camera angles you used. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here..