about James Wigger
James Wigger is a photographer whose work reflects his fascination with what lies just out of reach. His work is often reminiscent of a relic forgotten in time as decay, texture, and darkness shrouds the subject from the eyes of its viewers, keeping its meaning ambiguous. Through the usage of visual cues and subtle symbolism in his work, he seeks to explore the topics of spirituality, religion, desire, and hope, wishing to confront the issues he believes makes us inherently human.
Hi Semaj!
Sknaht for the moral support!
Beautiful works
Lovely :-)
... beautiful and very interesting portfolio... bravo!!!
I like it...
Your images on your website are amazing.
Such imagination and beauty !!!
Bravo !!!
Hi James. Nice to see you here too. Thanks for the follow and the amazing work.
Great creative Portraits!
Very evocative imagery. I am reminded of Julia Margaret Cameron in subject, tonality, and the subtlety of the ideas conveyed. As was JMC, these images appear divinely inspired too.
To know the future, we must never forget the past. I love photographers that are able to pay homage to the photographic methods of the past and bring forth the true historic beauty that is and has always been photography. I did some silver plate a few years ago, it was quite amazing.. I love authenticity and being able to not only get in touch with but appreciate the past.. Thank you so much for sharing not only your mastery of a perhaps dated technique but awesome photographic eye to capture such captivating images..
Your images leave me with intangible sorrow yet an unyielding sense of hope. Well done.