Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
I am located in the San Francisco East Bay area. I specialize in glamour, artistic & implied nude work. All nudity is done in an artistic style and within the comfort level of the... more
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J-Photoart Model Citizen

about J-Photoart


I am located in the San Francisco East Bay area. I specialize in glamour, artistic & implied nude work. All nudity is done in an artistic style and within the comfort level of the model. Escorts are always welcome to my shoots.

I am not a “Professional” Photographer meaning that I do not make a living or any money from my photography. I am self-taught and am involved in photography purely for the passion of the art form, the creative adventure and my outlet for the challenges, frustrations and stresses that creep into our daily lives. Although an Amateur / Hobbyist, I take each and every shoot very seriously and strive to create and capture the most incredible images possible. I am not interested in nor seek any commercial work and / or assignments.


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  • thanks a lot for following

  • Beautiful portfolio!

    • Thank you so very much Kala... I appreciate the compliments on my work!

  • Thank you for your comment on my image of Carly!

  • Wonderful portfolio.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thank you so very much... I appreciate you taking the time to leave your comment!

  • Excellent work!

  • Spectacular work!

  • You are an amazing artist and I'm certainly being inspired by your work.

    • Thank you so very much... I appreciate your support of my creative work!

  • Thanks so much...

  • Thanks for leaving such nice comments on my portfolio. You're work is beautiful and a joy to view.

  • Thanks for your comment on Instagram to my image "Forward we go". Nice to see you here.

    • Thank you so very much... always excited to discover talented artists such as yourself!

  • Great portfolio and really interesting use of backgrounds and props.

  • Thank you for your kind words about my images of Olivia and Sienna. I love shooting with them both.

  • Thanks for your photo compliment i appreciate considering the works of art you and your models produce! Your portfolio was a joy to look through.

  • Thank you for the comment on my portfolio. Love your work.

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