about Gregory Holden
Denver, CO based photographer.https://www.instagram.com/imagesunderfoot/
While predominantly a close-up nature photographer, I started working with fine art nude models a few years ago and found it unlocked a different side of creativity in me. I avoid overly sensual or erotic images and instead like to create interesting, moody images or ones that showcase the lines and form of the female body.
Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email: ksmered@msn.com
Thanks, Kurt Meredith (KSM)
Amazing work! Love your style!
Thank you Xaina Fairy.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio, we can't wait to see what else you create with the community here! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help along the way :)
Wow, your work is beautiful. My compliments to you and the beautiful ladies with whom you've created art!
Thank you. I plan to go through my photos soon and credit all the models, many of whom are on this site: Meghan Claire, Anoush A, Liv Sage, etc.