I am a medium and large format film photographer and enthusiast. I enjoy incorporating models into landscape scenes and atmospheres created by vintage cameras and lenses.
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498 favorited images
I am a medium and large format film photographer and enthusiast. I enjoy incorporating models into landscape scenes and atmospheres created by vintage cameras and lenses.
Thank you for adding Beautiful Curves”Rapture” to one of your galleries. You have a wonderful portfolio also and I would love to follow your page. Please feel free to follow me also if you would like to. Thanks
Thank you Dwayne for that addition to your gallery. You have some fine work on your site. I still have my 4x5 but it has been resting for a while. It was all landscapes back then.
I love your work and your methods. Extremely beautiful images.
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Thank you for adding Beautiful Curves”Rapture” to one of your galleries. You have a wonderful portfolio also and I would love to follow your page. Please feel free to follow me also if you would like to. Thanks
Amazing work!
Thnx for sharing my photograph my friend
Great portfolio - thanks for sharing this beauty with all of us.
Thanks for your kind words
Very nice to hear your comment...and thank you for the gallery addition.
Thank you Dwayne for that addition to your gallery.
You have some fine work on your site.
I still have my 4x5 but it has been resting for a while. It was all landscapes back then.
Your images speak volumes Dwayne.
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!
thnx for the nomination my friend
Thank you Dwayne - your appreciations are always motivating for me
Thank you Dwayne for adding my photos to your splendid gallery - I love your art.
inspirational gallery, amazing art!
Thank you!
Very inspirative gallery, beautiful work with light.
Thank you Martina!
I love your work and your methods. Extremely beautiful images.