Model Society

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The obligatory 'About Me' section. IDK. I'd rather be shooting than anything else. I do this for the fun/art/passion. I'm not trying to make money which is a good thing because I... more
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about DaveMylesPhotography


The obligatory 'About Me' section. IDK. I'd rather be shooting than anything else. I do this for the fun/art/passion. I'm not trying to make money which is a good thing because I haven't made a dime. If I could paint or draw I'd be doing that. I think it would be a lot cheaper than hiring models! But I can't so I shoot with models as often as I can.

I've been using Facebook for my photography for the most part and I've been banned/blocked a few times. I detest their absurd TOS. I'm going to start using alternate photo sites like this one from now on I think.

I usually plan shoots month in advance based on locations I know and want to shoot in or concepts I have. It's not easy for a traveling model to shoot with me because of that. So, please feel free to try and maybe we can work something out if you catch me at the right time.

I hid all the shots I've posted here because I haven't been back here in over a year and wanted to start fresh with new shots and my older shots are pretty awful. ;-)

I tend to prefer shooting on location instead of studios. I do like shooting in real places like Air B&B for 'life style' type shots. I work with an idea/concept usually based on a unique location I find. I rarely shoot in the same location more than twice. Often I only shoot in a location once. Any more than that and I'm just doing the same thing over and over.

I like shots with emotion or that tell a story. Studio shots are fine but not really my thing unless I'm in the mood for bodyscapes or form nudes.

Happy shooting.


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  • Amazing imagery, the simple beauty of your photography allow the images to invoke emotion in the viewer.. Very talented work, thank you for sharing..

  • Really appreciate the casual feeling you have achieved in the genre images of Mel and Erie.

  • Thanks. She is awesome. I'm shooting with her this Sunday and next Tuesday. I really hope the location works out for the Sunday shoot because it's will be freaking awesome if it does. You should reach out to her to shoot. She's always looking for work.

  • just went through your work with melancholic on your deviant portfolio and i have to say i am envious of your time with her...she is a favorite of mine...some day i will shoot with her !!