Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

A traveler at heart, inspired by women, working along Swiss precision. Dan is a mediapreneur, photographer, author of several books and founder + Editor in Chief of... more
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Dan Hostettler



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Dan Hostettler

about Dan Hostettler


A traveler at heart, inspired by women, working along Swiss precision. Dan is a mediapreneur, photographer, author of several books and founder + Editor in Chief of

Being a successful photographer for more than 15 years Dan got internationally published and featured on/in GQ Online, The India Times, FashionONE TV, FotoTV, GoodLight Mag, amongst many others. Dan is currently residing and working in Prague, CZ.

Dan will talk about his projects, provide insights in shootings & concepts, produce webinars, create Freemium videos, explain styles, emphasize the importance of working with models and any other exciting topic he discovers along the way.


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  • Hi Dan,

    Just wanted to send a quick hello and thank you for creating and offering your training content. I'm working my way through your courses and have yet not to learn from any of them. To me, these are some of the best investments I've made with my photography business.

    • Thank you very much for your comment and kind words, CLSP!
      Also, thanks a lot for purchasing my training and supporting therewith future productions.
      Happy to hear you find my approach valuable!
      Good light & keep going,

  • Thank you very much, Chelseajo!
    What might seem like a random selection here is not yet finished. Need more time to upload images from my body of work.
    The "arch" of my work is spanned even wider but I have to start somewhere here.
    Like you love it. More to come.

  • Powerfully seductive imagery that combines the perfect blend of lighting, color, contrast and focus to create imaginative imagery that speaks to the viewer. thank you so much for sharing. I love the unexpected beauty that is your photography by having created photographs from less commonly used perspectives and angles to make something beautiful.. wonderful stuff..

    • Thank you very much, Chelseajo!
      What might seem like a random selection here is not yet finished. Need more time to upload images from my body of work.
      The "arch" of my work is spanned even wider but I have to start somewhere here.
      Like you love it. More to come.