about Brentsimages
Photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa. I am currently looking for models for an ongoing project photographing nudes in natural and landscape settings. If you would like to participate in this, please contact me.
I am open to other project styles too, so please give me a shout if you are travelling to my beautiful corner of the world and wish to be part of a unique collaboration.
With photography as with so many other things, passion is the quintessential element, breathing life into art.
Great outdoor work. Envy your landscapes...
Appreciate the feedback. You have some super nude portraits!
Beautiful portfolio!
Would love to keep in contact as I'm in your neck of the woods about twice a year
Anytime! Definitely let me know. I would love to work with you.
Some Very nice shots there. I have just joined and see you are in my hood, so to say.
Let me know if you want to arrange a shoot together sometime.
Thanks for the positive feedback. You've got some inspiring work yourself.
I love how your images are a wonderful balance of nature and beauty. Your obvious talent and skilled use of lighting allow the canvas to come to life and speak to the viewer.. Excellent blend of harmony, beauty and grace.. thank you for sharing your obvious talent..
Thank you thank you... high praise from such an accomplished model
Thank you, for the time spent looking at my work and your comments.