Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Being a hobby photographer for most of my years, fine art photography enables me to show my view on moments of beauty and light. more
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about BenGunn


Being a hobby photographer for most of my years, fine art photography enables me to show my view on moments of beauty and light.


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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • What an inspiring portfolio. I am especially in love with the texture of many of your images, and the gorgeous tones. Love it.

  • You have some beautiful innovative work in your portfolio. Well done :)

  • Thanks so much for following my work. Berlin is my all time favorite city and I hope to make my way back in the near future!

  • Hi Ben. Thanks for your interest in my work.

  • Hi Ben, thanks for picking a few of my favorites, the reaffirmation was great. Comments good or not so good are always welcome. New to this environment but its seems good to share

  • Thank you for picking up so many of my pictures!... Thank you also for your lovely words! It is delightful when someone enjoys and feels the emotions we wanted to share!

    • You're very welcome, real pleasure! It's such an inspiration to enjoy your beautiful art work!

  • Thank you for your comments on my images, Ben. It's very much appreciated. I see some fine work here as well. Keep it up!

  • Great stuff here Ben. I had to create a new gallery to present your variations on a more standardized vision. It also appears you are shooting film, which is a dying art. I hope you choose to continue with it. I also wanted you to know I uploaded the color version of; "Nothing but Her Shoes (Red) at

    • Thanks for the color version and your kind words, Philip!

  • Thank you BenGunn for adding a couple of my images you wonderful and rare galleries...

    • You're very welcome, Domingo! Everytime I browse through your splendid collection, I find new inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  • BenGunn -

    Thank you for adding "Contemplation" to your gallery. I will strive to create images that are pleasing to the eye, include artistic value, and make a lasting impression.

    For your information, Ivy Lee is the model and if you have an opportunity to work with her I'd highly recommend it.


    Neil Jacobson

    • Hi Neil, thank you for sharing those beautiful work. Ivy is a MM friend already, I'm just aone of her countless admirers, I presume.

    • I'm sure you're right, Neil, that is a great idea. Thanks for encouraging!

    • BenGunn -

      Aside from her physical charms, she also knows her way around a camera so working with her is truly a collaborative experience. And she fun to work with.

      I don't know if she travels outside of the US but if you know of enough photographers in and around Berlin that would be willing to commit to doing photo shoots with her, you may be able to convince her to make the trip. That's just my speculation but, it could be worthwhile.


  • Thank you so much for adding my photos the amazing gallery. Keep up the good work.

  • Many thanks for your attention..all the best Roberto

  • Thank you for the follow.

  • Thanks for the add. Fantastic work on your part as well.

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